Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Okay it is 10:05 pm now...Been quite the busy bee today. Cleaned house, then made T-shirt for my son's football game tomorrow,then quick trip to town to get some ingredients for making homemade chocolate/white chocolate chip cookies...for one of my husband's co workers that is going to cover for him so he can make the first game...AWESOME!!!! Made the cookies, i made roughly 6 batches so that was a lot of cookies. Now i am headed to take a shower and put this weary body to rest. I always feel like i have accomplished something when i am this tired I just wish that as I am doing all this the weight would just drop off!!! Very excited for tomorrow's game it will be my son's first time playing football, I have a good feeling of them winning and my son being a star player!!! Well guess that is all for now!! Till tomorrow!

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