Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Well it has been while since i have wrote. Kinda a lot has gone on. My son had his game and they did not win but tied. The next game they got beat, the third game was just a scrimage with the other team players. Then i got the news that the next two games he would not be playing because he is failing Math. So i am not to worried because if he really wants to play then he will learn how to balance his studies and football. He is a smart kid and i know he has the potential to do great, which i have told him every day of his life. Now my daughter on the other hand is different which most brothers and sisters are different. I have no problems out of her. Now on to more serious matters. A couple of weeks ago, after a wonderful day with my Mother, we get a call that my brother is in the hospital because of a supposed heart attack. Come to find out after the stress tests done on him that it was severe anxiety and panic attacks. It was due to all the stress that he has at work. So now he is stress free and working on the pipeline in Louisana. As for me well i am not so great. About 3wks. ago i found a lump in my left breast. I finally got to the doctor to have them check it out and when he did the breast exam he found the one i found but found another one also. I have a Mammogram set up for the 19th of October. I am worried and scared. I have risks against me. I have cancer on both sides of my family and my Uncle passed due to breast cancer. So I am sending prayers up that it is nothing. I will write more on that later. This whole blog was suppose to be about my weight loss and it is turned into me just writing which i guess is not a bad thing.

My weight loss goals start this week. I will be starting my walking regime this week. I plan on walking 3 times a week. Well guess that is all for now. SMOOCHES ;0)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Today is the day. My oldest starts his game this afternoon at 5pm. This will be his first time ever playing football for the school. I just hope he stays well and does not get hurt. I am a bundle of nerves for him. He on the other was just calm and cool this morning as he left for school. Guess that is all for now..write more later when i get in tonight.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Okay it is 10:05 pm now...Been quite the busy bee today. Cleaned house, then made T-shirt for my son's football game tomorrow,then quick trip to town to get some ingredients for making homemade chocolate/white chocolate chip cookies...for one of my husband's co workers that is going to cover for him so he can make the first game...AWESOME!!!! Made the cookies, i made roughly 6 batches so that was a lot of cookies. Now i am headed to take a shower and put this weary body to rest. I always feel like i have accomplished something when i am this tired I just wish that as I am doing all this the weight would just drop off!!! Very excited for tomorrow's game it will be my son's first time playing football, I have a good feeling of them winning and my son being a star player!!! Well guess that is all for now!! Till tomorrow!